The fact is, the value of editorial reporting is invaluable to our free society. The way news is being consumed is changing dramatically from being fed by large centralized media institutions to being shared by peer networks. Our societies and cultures are being defined by our instant connectivity and sharing of content.
The challenge is the legitimization and trust of these sources and their reliability has yet to be confronted. How will we govern or measure accountability of these sources? While traditional sources of news can be biased and sensationalized. Content developers and product placement engineers develop entertainment and reporting into a sales pitch and we don't even know it. The population is somewhat evenly split between baby-boomers (born between 1945-1960, about 80 million), Generation X, (born between mid 1960's and round 1980, about 50 million) and Generation Y (born between 1980 and late 1990's, about 80 million. Each generation looks for or gets news in very different ways. How to deliver your news is no trick, wwdb will help you develop what is truly newsworthy about your product or service, distribute and maintain its notoriety, and in some cases where crisis management is necessary, be on-hand for misinterpretation control. The public perception of editorial value is real and its social media distribution vehicles cannot be ignored.
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